Dog Stuff That Does Double Duty

Dogs can make for some wonderful, lifelong companions, but when left alone, they can get into all kinds of trouble. This is usually when they can be at their most destructive, giving into all kinds of impulses to chew on stuff, like furniture, shoes, carpeting and anything else that you would like to keep. To keep this from happening in your home, you might want to think about buying some dog stuff that will help keep them busy whenever you are not around to play with them. For example, among the many different kinds of toys that are available on the market today, there are several that are highly interactive, and will keep your dog busy for hours on end.

One such toy that has recently come on the market is a variant on the popular snack producing toys from a few years ago. This recent addition among other popular dog stuff items has a dual purpose of providing snacks for your dog, and maintaining their dental hygiene. The latest model now has an additional set of tracks around the toy, which comes in all sizes, that can be used to hold toothpaste with which to keep the dogs teeth clean. The dog attacks the center, where the treats are hidden, or they can manipulate the toy by grabbing it around the sides, where it will encounter the toothpaste. There is also a series of toys that contain motion sensors that provide true interactivity by directly reacting to anything that your dog does. If they move forward towards the toy, the toy moves backwards in response. If the dog pushes it with a paw, it runs or flies away from them, tempting them into giving chase. The toy becomes inactive after being ignored for at least fifteen minutes, but will restart immediately once attention is paid to it once more.

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