Safety For Halloween Games

When it comes to Halloween games, there's a lot of ways that a player can accidentally get hurt. Unfortunately, this also means that there needs to be a lot of precautions taken. So, here are a few things that you may not have been thinking of while planning your Halloween games. If you didn't have it in mind before, don't worry! That's what this list is for, to help supplement whatever precautions that you may have taken earlier!


Clothing is pretty obvious, as far as Halloween games safety goes. But, to review, make sure that anything below the knees skirt wise or otherwise is tied up or has slits that allow for walking. Anything that's low enough to touch the ankles isn't really safe for a game. Make sure that appropriate foot attire is supplied if you want your little ones to play anything and make sure that all shoelaces are secured as well as hats. It just makes it easier on everyone.


The area in which the Halloween games are being played should definitely be picked up. Make sure that there are very few rocks and sticks and even candy. Let's face it—if you've EVERY accidentally fell down on a cold Tootsie Roll, then you know how painful that can possibly be. Anyways, make sure that the area is completely clear and that there are boundaries for each of the games to help keep everyone safe and sound. These are just a few great tips to keep in mind while you're picking out an area to play Halloween games—but to also keep everyone safe, sound, and happy on this Halloween! These are just a few quick tips to help you keep the area safe!

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