Creating Homemade Halloween Costumes The Quick And Easy Way

When it comes time to choose a costume for Halloween, there can be times when the selection of prepackaged costuming leaves something to be desired. Your imagination can surely come up with something better, and that is when learning the craft of creating homemade Halloween costumes comes in. After learning the basics, you will be able to instantly create an appropriate outfit with very little time and effort. This skill will make you a popular friend to have around, and you might get called on a lot by your friends.

The Basics Of Homemade Halloween Costumes

The majority of homemade Halloween costumes, no matter what picture is in the head of their creator, will all start out basically the same. You will need a simple leotard and a pair of tights of the appropriate color for your victim to wear, both boys and girls. This is the foundation of the costume, and by putting it in leotard form, it creates a unisex look that can be played up or down with ease, depending on your ideas. With this outfit as the foundation, you could even achieve multiple costume changes by removing some of the outer layers.

Next, you will start layering on costuming pieces to create the overall homemade Halloween costumes you want to achieve. For example, you have a boy in black leotard and tights, and he wants to be a space pirate for Halloween. The next layer will be mismatched pieces of armor scavenged together and strapped on. Over this, you can place a jacket that is too big, and a couple of gun holsters, followed by some boots. Instant space pirate, just add blasters. For the armor pieces, simply take apart old costumes he’s worn before, like Star Wars, and paint them in varying shades of old.

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